Lies in the Church

By Angela J. Kaufman


Lies in the Church

What does the Research Say?

According to an online poll by Christianity Today, almost 90% of people attending church say they have been hurt by it at some time.

“Have you ever been hurt by the Church? "

          Yes, and I left that church: 47%

          Yes, and I stayed at that church: 42%      

          No: 11%” *

Why does Christ frequently preface His words in the Gospels with “I tell you the truth?” (i.e. Mark 9:1 NIV) Scripture echoes Christ’s hope for His followers; “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” III John 1: 4 (NIV)       

Ten Traits of a Truth Teller, a book by Angela J. Kaufman, is a practical guide to our interaction with each other as Christians. This book includes personal stories from believers around the world, tools to identify and confront lies, approaches towards healing and methods of living beyond the pain.  Scripture remains the basis for discernment. Ten Traits of a Truth Teller is the most comprehensive Christian collection of resources and expertise in the field of truth and lies.

This book is written with personal experience, common sense, and an ever-present sense of hope.  Like novels of the day, Ten Traits of a Truth Teller  weaves fascinating life stories within short segments, giving readers easy access to specific topics.  Evidence of my license to address this topic is based on personal experience from 20+ years of worship leading and music ministry as well as teaching in both the private and public sectors.

We cannot brush off the horror of what our wounded brothers and sisters have
experienced.  The trauma and abandonment run to the core of our being because it
affects our faith. The need to identify lies, address or confront them, and prevent
them, is constant. The idea that we need to know scripture to the point of wisdom,
become healers, and restore all of God’s children, are areas the church body needs
continual training.

I invite you to look through the options below. Thank you for your interest. 

I wish you hope and healing on your journey with God.

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How to spot a liar

Featured articles by George Barna

Barna Group

God Talks to You

God Talks to You: Second Edition

Christianity Today

Thrive, Life Model Works, James Wilder

Genesis for Change Model, Michael Dye

Lombard Mennonite Peace Center

Alcoholics Anonymous


 * The Weekly Newsletter of Christianity Today International, August 7, 2007, 3.

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Copyright 2018: Angela J. Kaufman, Sioux Falls, SD 57106

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